姓名: 唐朝荣 性别: 男
出生年月:1973.4 民族: 汉
学位: 博士 职称: 研究员
E-mail: chaorongtang@126.com; chaorongtang@hainanu.edu.cn
1998.09-2001.07: 中国农科院研究生院/植保所,植物病理学,博士学位
1995.09-1998.07: 沈阳农业大学,植物病理学,硕士学位
1991.09-1995.07: 沈阳农业大学,植物保护,学士学位
2004.09-2018.01,中国热带农业科学院橡胶研究所,历任高聘研究员、副研究员和研究员,橡胶树产胶分子生物学 (其间:2014. 4-2015. 4,美国Noble Research Institute,访问学者,牧草发育分子生物学)
2001.09-2004.09, 中国科学院遗传发育所,博士后,植物发育分子生物学
1、 海南崖州湾种子实验室揭榜挂帅项目,B21HJ0902,橡胶树主栽品种的转基因改良,2021-12至2026-11,120万元,在研,主持;
2、 国家重点研发计划(重要代谢产物生物合成途径的解析与重构,2021YFA0909600),子课题,重要化工产品合成途径的解析与重构,2021-12至2026-11,100万元,在研,主持;
3、 国家自然科学基金面上项目,31570672,橡胶树乳管蔗糖降解关键转化酶HbNIN2的互作蛋白筛选与功能分析,2016-01至2019-12,63万,已结题,主持;
4、 海南省自然科学基金创新研究团队项目,2017CXTD019,割胶促进橡胶树产胶的分子机制研究,2017-01至2019-12,30万元,已结题,主持。
1. Fan Y, Qi J, Xiao X, Li H, Lan J, Huang Y, Yang J, Zhang Y, Zhang S, Tao J and Tang C*. 2022. Transcript and protein profiling provides insights into the molecular mechanisms of harvesting-induced latex production in rubber tree. Front. Genet. 13: 756270
2. Zhang Y, Xin L, Pirrello J, Fang Y, Yang J, Qi J, Montoro P*, Tang C*. 2021. Ethylene response factors regulate expression of HbSUT3, the sucrose influx carrier in laticifers of Hevea brasiliensis. Tree Physiol. 41(7): 1278-1288
3. Long X, Li H, Yang J, Xin L, Fang Y, He B, ... & Tang C*. 2019. Characterization of a vacuolar sucrose transporter, HbSUT5, from Hevea brasiliensis: involvement in latex production through regulation of intracellular sucrose transport in the bark and laticifers. BMC Plant Biol. 19(1): 591
4. Huang Y, Fang Y, Long X, Liu L, Wang J, Zhu J, Ma Y, Qin Y, Qi J, Hu X & Tang C*. 2018. Characterization of the rubber tree metallothionein family reveals a role in mitigating the effects of reactive oxygen species associated with physiological stress. Tree Physiol. 38(6): 911-924
5. Tang C*, Yang M, Fang Y, et al. 2016. The rubber tree genome reveals new insights into rubber production and species adaptation. Nat. Plants2: 16073(SCI引用231次)
6. Liu S, Lan J, Zhou B, Qin Y, Zhou Y, Xiao X, Yang J, Gou J, Qi J, Huang Y, Tang C*. 2015. HbNIN2, a cytosolic alkaline/neutral-invertase, is responsible for sucrose catabolism in rubber-producing laticifers of Hevea brasiliensis (para rubber tree). New Phytol. 206(2): 709-725(SCI引用52次)
7. Xiao XH, Tang C*, Fang Y, et al. 2014. Structure and expression profile of the sucrose synthase gene family in the rubber tree: indicative of roles in stress response and sucrose utilization in the laticifers. FEBS J. 281(1): 291-305(SCI引用72次)
8. Li H, Qin Y, Xiao X, Tang C*. 2011. Screening of valid reference genes for real-time RT-PCR data normalization in Hevea brasiliensis and expression validation of a sucrose transporter gene HbSUT3. Plant Sci. 181(2): 132–139(SCI引用113次)
9. Tang C*, Huang D, Yang J, et al. 2010.The sucrose transporter HbSUT3 plays an active role in sucrose loading to laticifer and rubber productivity in exploited trees of Hevea brasiliensis (para rubber tree). Plant Cell Environ. 33(10):1708-1720(SCI引用149次)
10. Tang C*, Qi J, Li H, et al. 2007. A convenient and efficient protocol for isolating high-quality RNA from latex of Hevea brasiliensis (para rubber tree). J. Biochem. Biophys. Methods 70(5): 749-754.(SCI引用141次)
1. 唐朝荣(1/10),“橡胶产量形成核心环节—乳管蔗糖代谢调控研究”,海南省科技进步一等奖,2016;
2. 唐朝荣(1/1),“第八届海南省青年科技奖”,海南省委组织部,海南省人力资源和社会保障厅,2009年。