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30 2019.05











20039 - 20066月 中国农业科学院哈尔滨兽医研究所 预防兽医专业 博士

20009 - 20036 黑龙江八一农垦大学 预防兽医专业 硕士

19969 - 20006黑龙江八一农垦大学 动物医学专业 学士


20067 - 20088月 黑龙江八一农垦大学动物科技学院 讲师

20089 - 200812月 黑龙江八一农垦大学动物科技学院 副教授

20091 - 20126月 美国国立卫生研究院(NIH) 博士后

20127 - 20179月 黑龙江八一农垦大学动物科技学院 副教授

20179 - 201910月 黑龙江八一农垦大学动物科技学院 教授

201911 - 20238月 海南大学动物科技学院 教授

20239 - 至今 海南大学热带农林学院 教授





1. 国家自然科学地区基金项目,轮状病毒NSP2NSP5决定病毒质装配及RNA包装的关键互作位点定位及机制研究、2024/1-2027/1232万元、在研、主持。

2. 海南省农业农村厅海南省地方猪现代农业产业技术体系专项,2022/1-2025/1296万元。

3. 海南大学科研启动项目,猪塞内卡病毒调控IFN信号转导通路及病毒致弱机制研究、2020/5-2025/5100万元,在研,主持。

4. 海南省自然科学基金项目,猪塞内卡病毒3C蛋白调控IFN信号转导通路的关键结构域及其作用机制、2020/12-2023/127万元,已结题,主持。

5. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,牛UK株轮状病毒拮抗IFN信号转导通路机制的研究、2013/1-2015/1224万元、已结题、主持。

6. 黑龙江省科学基金面上项目,异源宿主细胞内牛轮状病毒NSP1蛋白调控IFN免疫应答机制、2015/7-2018/710万元、已结题、主持。

7. 博士后研究人员落户黑龙江科研启动资助项目Caco-2细胞网格蛋白表达对轮状病毒侵入的影响、2014/1-2016/125万元、已结题、主持。


[1] Zhao S M, Cui H Q, Hu Z R, Du L, Ran X H, Wen X B*. Senecavirus A Enhances Its Adaptive Evolution via Synonymous Codon Bias Evolution [J]. Viruses-Basel, 2022, 14(5): 1055.

[2] Zhang X, Cui K, Wen X, Li L, Yu X, Li B, Lin H, He H, Wang F. The Association between Gut Microbiome Diversity and Composition and Heat Tolerance in Cattle [J]. Microorganisms, 2022, 10(8): 1672.

[3] Lv Q, Ran X, Qiu H, Zhao S, Hu Z, Wang J, Ni H, Wen X*. Seroprevalence of pullorum disease in chicken across mainland China from 1982 to 2020: A systematic review and meta-analysis [J]. Res Vet Sci, 2022, 152: 156-66.

[4] Yang Y, Teng Z, Lu Y, Luo X, Mu S, Ru J, Zhao X, Guo H, Ran X, Wen X*, Sun S*. Enhanced immunogenicity of foot and mouth disease DNA vaccine delivered by PLGA nanoparticles combined with cytokine adjuvants [J]. Res Vet Sci, 2021, 136: 89-96.

[5] Gong Q L, Chen Y, Tian T, Wen X, Li D, Song Y H, Wang Q, Du R, Zhang X X. Prevalence of bovine tuberculosis in dairy cattle in China during 2010-2019: A systematic review and meta-analysis [J]. PLoS Negl Trop Dis, 2021, 15(6): e0009502.

[6] Dong H, Lu Y L, Zhang Y, Mu S Y, Wang N, Du P, Zhi X Y, Wen X B, Wang X X, Sun S Q, Zhang Y M, Guo H C. A Heat-Induced Mutation on VP1 of Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus Serotype O Enhanced Capsid Stability and Immunogenicity [J]. J Virol, 2021, 95(16): e0017721.

[7] Wen X, Tong X, Wang M, Wang J, Ni H, Ran X. Protective immunity following vaccination with a recombinant multiple-epitope protein of bovine herpesvirus type I in a rabbit model [J]. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol, 2020, 104: 3011-23.

[8] Ni H, Jia X X, Wang J, Ran X, Wen X*. Mapping a highly conserved linear neutralizing epitope at the N-terminus of the gD glycoprotein of bovine herpesvirus type I using a monoclonal antibody [J]. Microb Pathog, 2020, 138: 103815.

[9] Mu S, Abdullah S W, Zhang Y, Han S, Guo H, Li M, Dong H, Xu J, Teng Z, Wen X, Sun S*. Development of a novel SYBR green I-based quantitative RT-PCR assay for Senecavirus A detection in clinical samples of pigs [J]. Mol Cell Probes, 2020, 53: 101643.

[10] Lu Y, Dong H, Li J, Li L, Wang M, Liu H, Teng Z, Zhang Y, Jin Y, Guo H, Yang Y, Wen X*, Sun S*. Enhanced Protective Immune Response of Foot-and-mouth Disease Vaccine through DNA-loaded Virus-like Particles [J]. Microb Pathog, 2020, 143: 104130.

[11] Wang X, Bi Y, Ran X, Tong X, Ni H, Wen X*. Mapping a highly conserved linear neutralizing epitope on gD glycoprotein of bovine herpesvirus type I using a monoclonal antibody [J]. J Vet Med Sci, 2019, 81(5): 780-6.

[12] Ran X, Yang Z, Bai M, Zhang Y, Wen X, Guo H, Sun S. Development and validation of a competitive ELISA based on bacterium-original virus-like particles of serotype O foot-and-mouth disease virus for detecting serum antibodies [J]. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol, 2019, 103(7): 3015-24.

[13] Ran X, Meng X Z, Geng H L, Chang C, Chen X, Wen X*, Ni H*. Generation of porcine Pasteurella multocida ghost vaccine and examination of its immunogenicity against virulent challenge in mice [J]. Microb Pathog, 2019, 132: 208-14.

[14] Ran X, Cheng J, Wang M, Chen X, Wang H, Ge Y, Ni H, Zhang X X*, Wen X*. Brucellosis seroprevalence in dairy cattle in China during 2008-2018: A systematic review and meta-analysis [J]. Acta Trop, 2019, 189: 117-23.

[15] Ran X, Chen X, Wang S, Chang C, Wen X, Zhai J, Ni H. Preparation of porcine enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) ghosts and immunogenic analysis in a mouse model [J]. Microb Pathog, 2019, 126: 224-30.

[16] Ran X, Chen X, Ma L, Wen X, Zhai J, Wang M, Tong X, Hou G, Ni H. A systematic review and meta-analysis of the epidemiology of bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) infection in dairy cattle in China [J]. Acta Trop, 2019, 190: 296-303.

[17] Ran X, Yang Z, Shao G, Wen X, Liu S, Ni H. Avian Salmonella enteritidis serovar Enteritidis with ClpP deletion is attenuated and highly immunogenic in chickens [J]. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, 2018, 42(4): 269-76.

[18] Ran X, Chen X, Wang M, Cheng J, Ni H, Zhang X X*, Wen X*. Brucellosis seroprevalence in ovine and caprine flocks in China during 2000-2018: a systematic review and meta-analysis [J]. BMC Vet Res, 2018, 14(1): 393.

[19] Wen X, Sun J, Zhang Y, Cao S, Ran X, Ni H. Identification and genetic characterization of bovine parainfluenzavirus type 3 genotype c strain isolated from cattle in western China [J]. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, 2017, 41: 180-6.

[20] Wen X B, Jiang H T, Zhang Y L, Lang X Y, Liu J, Ni H B. Rapid and Sensitive Diagnosis of Cattle Anaplasmosis by Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification (LAMP) [J]. Pakistan Veterinary Journal, 2016, 36(2): 174-8.

[21] Wen X, Wei X, Ran X*, Ni H, Cao S, Zhang Y. Immunogenicity of porcine P[6], P[7]-specific truncated VP8* rotavirus subunit vaccines with a tetanus toxoid universal T cell epitope [J]. Vaccine, 2015, 33(36): 4533-9.

[22] Wen X, Cao D, Jones R W, Hoshino Y, Yuan L. Tandem truncated rotavirus VP8* subunit protein with T cell epitope as non-replicating parenteral vaccine is highly immunogenic [J]. Human vaccines & immunotherapeutics, 2015, 11(10): 2483-9.

[23] Ma Y, Wen X, Hoshino Y, Yuan L*. Cloning and nucleotide sequence analyses of 11 genome segments of two American and one British equine rotavirus strains [J]. Veterinary microbiology, 2015, 176(1-2): 172-8.

[24] Wen X, Wen K, Cao D, Li G, Jones R W, Li J, Szu S, Hoshino Y, Yuan L*. Inclusion of a universal tetanus toxoid CD4(+) T cell epitope P2 significantly enhanced the immunogenicity of recombinant rotavirus DeltaVP8* subunit parenteral vaccines [J]. Vaccine, 2014, 32(35): 4420-7.

[25] Wen X, Cao D, Jones R W, Li J, Szu S, Hoshino Y*. Construction and characterization of human rotavirus recombinant VP8* subunit parenteral vaccine candidates [J]. Vaccine, 2012, 30(43): 6121-6.

[26] Long-Croal L M, Wen X, Ostlund E N, Hoshino Y*. Concentration of acrylamide in a polyacrylamide gel affects VP4 gene coding assignment of group A equine rotavirus strains with P[12] specificity [J]. Virology journal, 2010, 7: 136.

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