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06 2024.05










01/2022 – 01/2023 University of Bern 联合培养博士

09/2019 – 06/2023   复旦大学 生态学 博士

09/2016 – 07/2019   海南大学 林业   硕士

09/2012 – 07/2016   西南大学 园林   学士


11/2023 – 至今 海南大学 高聘副研究员





Cheng, Y.K., Liu, X., Song, Z.P., Ma, M.J., Zhou, S.R., Allan, E. (2023). Divergent trait responses to nitrogen addition in tall and short species. Journal of Ecology 111:1443–1454. (Editor's choice)

Cheng, Y.K., Gemma. R., Liu, X., Ma, M.J., Song, Z.P., Nadia, M., Zhou, S.R. (2023). Host plant height explains the effect of nitrogen enrichment on arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities. New Phytologist 240:399–411.

Cheng, Y.K., Liu, X., Lu, Y.W., Chen, F., Zhou, X.H., Song, Z.P., Zhou, S.R. (2022). Long-term nitrogen fertilization alters phylogenetic structure of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal community in plant roots across fine spatial scales. Plant and Soil 483:427–440.

Cheng, Y.K.#, Zhang, H. #, Zang, R.G., Wang, X.X., Long, W.X., Wang, X., Xiong, M.H., John, R. (2020). The effects of soil phosphorus on aboveground biomass are mediated by functional diversity in a tropical cloud forest. Plant and Soil 449:51–63.

程毅康, 张 辉, 王 旭, 龙文兴, 李 超, 方燕山, 符明期, 朱孔新. (2019). 功能多样性和谱系多样性对热带云雾林群落构建的影响. 植物生态学报 43:217–226.


Cheng, Y.K., Long, W.X., Xiao, C.C., Jiang, H., Feng, G. (2022). Intraspecific Trait Variation Promoting Plant Community Assemblage in a Tropical Cloud Forest. In: Long, W. (Ed.), Tropical Cloud Forest Ecology in Hainan Island. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-3655-5_8.

Cheng, Y.K., Long, W.X., Xiao, C.C., Jiang, H., Feng, G. (2022). Effects of Species Pool Size and Spatial Scale Variation on Tropical Cloud Forest Community Assembly. In: Long, W. (Ed.), Tropical Cloud Forest Ecology in Hainan Island. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-3655-5_9

Cheng, Y.K., Shao, X.L., Long, W.X., Li, C. (2022). Distribution Patterns of Aboveground Biomass of Tropical Cloud Forests in Hainan Island. In: Long, W. (Ed.), Tropical Cloud Forest Ecology in Hainan Island. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-3655-5_10

Xiao, Y., Liu, X., Song, Z.P., Lu, Y.W., Zhang, L., Huang, M.J., Cheng, Y.K., Chen, S.L., Zhao, Y.M., Zhang, Z.H., Zhou, S.R. (2024). Plant size-dependent influence of foliar fungal pathogens promotes diversity through allometric growth. New Phytologist 242:687699.

Liu, X., Parker, I.M., Gilbert, G.S, Lu, Y.W., Xiao, Y., Zhang, L, Huang, M.J., Cheng, Y.K., Zhang, Z.H, Zhou, S.R. (2022). Coexistence is stabilized by conspecific negative density dependence via fungal pathogens more than oomycete pathogens. Ecology 103: e3841.

Liao, L.C., Jiang, H., Long, W.X., Zhang, H., Cheng, Y.K., Li, X.R., Tan, Z.Y. (2020). Leaf functional traits are related to tree size and location in cotton trees bombax malabaricum. Tropical Conservation Science 13:449–457.

Li, X.R., Long, W.X, Zhang, H., Huang, J., Cheng, Y.K., Jiang, H., Liao, L.C., Tan, Z.Y. (2020). Divergent strategies of epiphytic pteridophytes and angiosperms responding to dry and wet seasons in a tropical cloud forest. Tropical Conservation Science 13:19.

邵晓莉, 程毅康, 王茜茜, 王旭, 巫勇, 洪小江, 方燕山, 陆雍泉, 龙文兴. (2018). 海南岛热带云雾林地上生物量分布规律. 生态学杂志 37: 25662572.


2023 Harper Prize Shortlist - British Ecological Society

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